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Tips and Techniques on Writing Effective Web Copy

Improve Your Copy writing Skills: Tips and Techniques on Writing Effective Web Copy

In the 21st century, one of the most important venues where copywriting has become a vital commodity is on the World Wide Web and Internet. As a result, it has become imperative for any person interested in either writing or in developing a bona fide Internet business presence to develop solid and exceptional copywriting skills. There are a number of techniques that a person can follow in order to better and best his or her own skills as a copywriter creatively developing web content. Four techniques that have proved valuable to a wide range of writers are examined in this article: 

- Read more than you write 
- Write about what you know 
- Educate yourself 
- Proofread and re-write 

Read More Than You Write 

One of the most notable person of letters in the past century was F. Scott Fitzgerald. When asked about the profession of the writer, he advised that it is imperative for a good writer to read more than he writes. This thoughtful comment by the author of such works as “The Great Gatsby” is applicable to those men and women interested in writing effective web copy as well. 

Certainly, nothing in this article should be construed as an endorsement of plagiarism. Rather, we believe that a person can learn valuable writing techniques and practices by examining the works of others. Quite like the painter who spends a good deal of time in the museum exploring the works of master artists, so should a dedicated copywriter spend time regularly analyzing the writings of other skilled copywriters. 

Write About What You Know 

One of the most common mistakes a copywriter makes, including those copywriters specializing in web content, is trying to write about topics that he or she does not understand or have any real concept of at the time. Thus, it is vital for a capable copywriter to stick to those topics on which he or she has knowledge. 

Naturally, a person can always expand his or her areas of expertise. But, when taking on writing assignments for a client or another person, a reliable copywriter will make certain that he has credible experience in the topic area that can be translated into valuable and useful copy content. 

Educate Yourself 

A competent and capable copywriter naturally will be interested in taking the time to expand the areas of his or her knowledge and expertise. One valuable technique to bettering your ability as a copywriter is to continually take the time to educate yourself on new topics, on new subjects. 

The process of self education dovetails perfectly with the previously mentioned technique of reading more than you write. 

Proofread and Re-write 

In this day and age of rapidly cranked out copy, oftentimes little time is spent on proofreading, editing and re-writing. These are techniques that absolutely are vital to a copywriter who is serious about his or her craft. 

Rarely is the first draft of any written piece in such pristine form that it is ready for publication. A skillful copywriter will spend the time proofreading and editing and then re-writing the initial draft to craft and create a manuscript or copy content that is perfectly suited to the task or job at hand. 


By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article you will become an ever more capable copywriter. You will be able to create far more effective and useful web copy that will grab the readers interest and close the sale.


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